My heart’s desire is to help others through hard things and to the other side.
But I’m not here to sell you sunshine and rainbows.
Having navigated my fair share of life’s curve balls (cancer survivor, infertility, widow, single mom) I’ve come to understand that hard things change us. They just do. And they should. But what now? How do we pick up the pieces that are left and write a new story? How do we reconcile what we thought was going to be with what now is? How do we come to a place of acceptance and surrender and let God do a new thing?
Through the blend of authenticity, faith, and humor, I love to break down ideas and leave you with practical steps to shift your perspective and experience real change, knowing you are not alone in the journey before, during and after hard things.

Becky is one that is truly making a difference in the world! Her daily mantra, business and podcast of Win the Day has impacted so many in the world and our community! She is one woman that is on a mission to inspire and help others become the best version of themselves. I know that I am a better person for knowing her and I am so grateful to have her in my life! I would highly recommend her to anyone!”
Dawn N.
I absolutely LOVE to listen to Becky share her journey, heart and lessons with others. I always walk away a little better than before.
Abbey F
Becky has wisdom beyond her years. I love listening to her take on the world and the way she inspires me to strive for more in my life.